NETWORK SECURITY - 2020 EXAM SUBJECTS 01. services provided by a security system (course notes, 1.8). 02. issues covered by a security policy (course notes, 4.3). 03. password maintenance best practices (course notes, 4.10.4). 04. describe the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm (course notes, 10.5). 05. authentication occurrences (course notes, 13.1). 06. means to provide authentication credentials (course notes, 13.2). 07. VPN - generalities (course notes, 16.1). 08. main characteristics of SSH (course notes, 16.4). 09. security requirements for secure storage (course notes, 17.0). 10. key points to consider when using a P2P network (course notes, 18.6). 11. encryption algorithms classification (course notes, 10.2) 12. MD5 - generalities (classification, characteristics, history, specification) 13. SHA-1 - generalities 14. DES - generalities 15. TDES - algorithm description (FIPS 46-3, pages 15, 16) 16. AES - generalities 17. AES - pseudocode (FIPS 197, paragraph 5.1 - pag. 14, 15) 18. RSA - algorithm description 19. RSA - example with a pair of primes p, q 20. DSS - generalities 21. DSS - the overall scheme (using the DSA with SHA) (FIPS 186-4, Figure 1) 22. SSL, TLS - definitions, versions, short description 23. SSL - handshake - first 5 steps 24. SSL - handshake - last 5 steps 25. SSL - the authentication of the server by the client 26. SSL - the authentication of the client by the server 27. SSL - enumerate 8 cryptographic algorithms used with the protocol SSL Bibliography: 12-14, 16 - see the generalities.txt file from this folder. 15 - FIPS 46-3 - 17 - FIPS 197 - 18 - 19 - 21 - FIPS 186 - 22 -, 23 - 27 - - ch. 12 course notes - The written exam will consist of 10 questions worth 5 points each.