SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY - 2021 EXAM SUBJECTS 1. encryption algorithms classification (paragraph 1.3 in course notes) 2. MD5 - generalities (classification, characteristics, history, specification) 3. MD5 - describe the 5 steps of the algorithm (RFC 1321, paragraph 3) 4. MD5 - detail - define the functions F, G, H, I, used in step 4. (RFC 1321, paragraph 3.4, first part) 5. MD5 - detail - define the 4 operations of thr four rounds (RFC 1321, paragraph 3.4, second part) 6. SHA-1 - generalities 7. SHA-1 - computing the message digest (FIPS 180-1, paragraph 7) 8. SHA-1 - detail - the padding function (FIPS 180-1, paragraph 4) 9. SHA-1 - detail - define the functions F0, F1, F2, F3 (FIPS 180-1, paragraf 5) 10. DES - generalities 11. DES - the overall scheme (FIPS 46-3, page 9 - enciphering computation) 12. DES - detail - the cipher function f (FIPS 46-3, pages 13, 15) 13. TDES - algorithm description (FIPS 46-3, pages 15, 16) 14. AES - generalities 15. AES - pseudocode (FIPS 197, paragraph 5.1 - pag. 14, 15) 16. AES - mathematical operations - will have to perform some dot multiplication (FIPS 197, paragraphs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) 17. AES - functions description (FIPS 197, paragraphs 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4) 18. The primitive root (element) theorem. Give one exemple (modulo 11) of primitive root and one of a nonprimitive element mod 11. 19. RSA - algorithm description 20. RSA - example with a pair of primes p, q 21. DSS - generalities 22. DSS - the overall scheme (using the DSA with SHA) (FIPS 186, Figure 1) 23. DSS - detail - DSA parameters, Signature generation (FIPS 186 - paragraphs 4, 5) 24. DSS - detail - DSA parameters, Signature verification (FIPS 186 - paragraphs 4, 6) 25. classical cryptography - enumerate the four basic operations of cryptanalysis 26. classical cryptography - outline of cipher solution (main steps) (Navy course) 27. classical cryptography - specify (in decreasing frequency order) the most frequent : letters, consonants, digraphs, trigraphs - in the english language 28. solve the simple substitution cryptogram: RUHNFMW DV PUC CGW CUIWNDPM UFA CGFC VWWV VCUNLV RULW FPB MU; DC DV CGW SNFMDXW QXUVVUL CGFC UYWPV DP CGW WPUI. EAA CXEC'S TLWLNNEMJ YRM CXL YRMWLN RY LVOA CR UOT OT CXL URMAQ ON YRM LTRGDX DRRQ KLT CR QR TRCXOTD. (the exam will have a different cryptogram, similar in size) 29. SSL, TLS - definitions, short description 30. TLS - handshake - first 5 steps (par. 13.4 in the course notes) 31. TLS - handshake - last 5 steps (par. 13.4 in the course notes) 32. TLS - the authentication of the server by the client (par. 13.5 in the course notes) 33. TLS - the authentication of the client by the server (par. 13.6 in the course notes) 34. TLS - enumerate 5 cryptographic algorithms (ciphers) used with the protocol SSL/TLS (par. 13.7 in the course notes) Bibliography: 1 - course notes (crysec.pdf), par. 1.3 3, 4, 5 - RFC1321 - 7, 8, 9 - FIPS 180-1 - 11, 12, 13 - FIPS 46-3 - 15, 16, 17 - FIPS 197 - 19, 20 - 22 - 24 - FIPS 186 - 25 - 28 - course notes, chapter 2 29 -, 30 - 34 - course notes, chapter 13 The written exam will consist of 10 questions worth 5 points each.