Each student needs to create a Git project, using their own e-UVT, account on https://gitlab.dev.info.uvt.ro.

In order to activate your Gitlab account you must login with your e-UVT account and email your supervisor to approve your Gitlab account. When your account is active you can proceed with the next steps from this tutorial.

To create a new git project, authenticate on Gitlab and choose Create a new project or use New project button. Next add the following information regarding the project:

  • Project name - (choose a custom name; no spaces or special characters; only dashes are allowed) e.g.: lab-cn-repository
  • Visibility level - Private
  • tick Initialize repository with a README
  • (optional) add your supervisor as a member of the project: from left menu choose Members; write silviu.panica under GitLab member or Email address; choose the returned account and select Developer as Choose a role permission; finally click Invite (your supervisor will have developer access to your project and can check the changes you have commited).

Next, you need to generate an access token (similar to username/password) in order to read and write repository content using Git tool. To generate a token you need to:

  • click your user icon (upper right)
  • choose Settings
  • from right menu choose Access tokens and add:
    • Name - then name of the token (no spaces or special characters; only dashes are allowed; e.g. lab-cn-access-token)
    • under Scopes tick: read_repository and write_repository
    • click Create personal access token
    • save Your new personal access token to use it as a password in order to access the Git repository; the value of the token is displayed only once (if you loose it you’ll have to create a new token instead)

If all the previous steps where successfull then you created your first FMI Gitlab repository. You can next use it to publish your source code. The web address of the repository is:


On your personal computer ensure you have git tool installed. On Linux/MacOS you can simply verify by running git command in a terminal.

Next, choose a directory where you want to further save your source code and sinchronize it with the previously created online repository (this example is for a Linux/MacOS environment; you can easily adapt it for Windows):

cd /local/path/to/your/directory
# replace eUVT-account and lab-cn-repository with your values
git clone https://gitlab.dev.info.uvt.ro/eUVT-account/lab-cn-repository.git
# insert the previously create access token name and value as username and password
cd lab-cn-repository

The source code will be added in lab-cn-repository and can be published at any time using:

# we asume we are already in lab-cn-repository folder
git add .
git commit --author "First_Name Name <first_name.name@e-uvt.ro>" -m "commit explanation text"
git push

After this step your code is published in Gitlab and any modifications are visible using the web interface: https://gitlab.dev.info.uvt.ro/eUVT-account/lab-cn-repository