To install pip (for python3) sudo apt install python3-pip To install xinetd apt install xinetd 1) How to install webmin (a web-baseed tool that we will use to administrate Samba on Ubuntu) a) Be careful to add the key from step 2 correctly, otherwise the packages will not be installed. Also at step 2 we are adding a now repository that the apt command will then use to be able to download the webmin tool. b) I've also done the steps from lab1 because I got a similar error. These are: sudo su touch /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf echo >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99verify-peer.conf "Acquire { https::Verify-Peer false }" exit In the end I don't know exactly if those 4 steps from above were needed. c) After installation, one can connect to localhost on port 10000 where Webmin runs with Of course this is done in a browser on the local PC, and the IP is the one of the VM d) Then, in webmin, search samba. You will find one occurence. Select it. e) Select install from there and confirm. You will most probably get Samba 4, although with apt install samba you will get Samba 3 f) Then you can configure the following with webmin: - create new shares - modify user passwords (Samba passwords, which can be different than the login passwords) - create a printer share - manage connections - user synchronization (import new users from the local system) Warning: -------- Maybe the service webmin is not starting automatically. To see if it is started, use sudo systemctl status webmin If it says it is stopped, then start it with sudo systemctl start webmin Packages: samba,samba-common