Installing packages (programs): ------------------------------- There are 3(4) manners to install packages (programs) on an Ubuntu machine: a) Install using the package manager "apt" or "apt-get" b) Download the source code for a package, then build it c) Use the (old) package manager "dpkg" Al of them are described below through examples. 1) Install using "apt" sudo apt install e.g. sudo apt install bison 2) Search for a package (name or string from the description) sudo apt search ncurses 3) Remove a package sudo apt remove bison 4) Update the package list and then upgrade all sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y 5) Add a repository (an example) sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] sarge contrib" This example add the repository where webmin is located, after that we can use it to install software from there. In this case the webmin package. It is only one of the steps from webmin installation as we saw in linux4-part4-Ubuntu.txt 6) Install using Debian package manager (an example) First you need to download the file (.deb file) Then, if we have it in the current folder: dpkg -i flashpluginnonfree_2.8.2+squeeze1_i386.deb Of course this will install the flashpluginnonfree_2* file 7) Install from sources steps: - download the package (program) sources - unzip and untar them with tar -xvf the xz extension might be another one, e.g. bz2, gz, zip, ... - go to the obtained folder (with the cd command) - read the README file - follow the instructions from that file. An example of how to do that is detailed in the file linux11-kernel-en.txt