The 2nd assignment for Intelligent Systems (IS)



1)     Write a short tutorial and a non-trivial application that would demonstrate the integration of JADE with JESS. (file:///C:/jade/doc/tutorials/jade-jess/jade_jess.html ). Your Application should be different than the one from the examples (4-5 students). (available)  

2)     Write a short tutorial and a non-trivial application that would demonstrate the use of JADEX BDI Agent System. (   Create a different application that the one from the examples provided with the software or the documentation. (5-6 students). (available)

3)     Jade application for the Web, using the WSIG plugin ( JADE WEB SERVICES INTEGRATION GATEWAY (WSIG)) (chapter 10 from the JADE book, and file:///C:/jade/doc/tutorials/WSIG_Guide.pdf ). Write a tutorial and a non-trivial application. Create a different application that the one from the examples provided with the software or the documentation. (5-6 students). (available)

4)     Jade application for the Web, using the WSDC plugin  (chapter 10 from the JADE book, and file:///C:/jade/doc/tutorials/DynamicClientGuide.pdf ). Write a tutorial and a non-trivial application. Create a different application that the one from the examples provided with the software or the documentation. (4-5 students) (available)

5)     Write a tutorial and application using JADE with mobile application on Android. You have examples in the documentation (file:///C:/jade/doc/tutorials/JadeAndroid-Programming-Tutorial.pdf ) . Create a different application that the one from the examples provided with the software or the documentation. (4-5 students) (available)

6)     Write a tutorial and application using JADE with mobile application on Windows Mobile (.NET). (file:///C:/jade/doc/tutorials/JADE_SHARP_Guide.pdf ). Create a different application that the one from the examples provided with the software or the documentation. (4-5 students) (available)

7)      Theme(s) proposed by students. (number of students depending on the complexity of the theme)  (available) […]



Eventually for the students that are not included in any of the existing groups and want to form a new group, I will create 1-2 new themes.

Completion date for the 1st assignment is week 7, when you will present them at the lecture  (eventually also during the consultations between 16:20-17:50)

The second assignment will be completed and presented in week 8, again at the lecture + lab. The list of themes for this assignment is in the file Assignments2.htm, the themes are based on JADE.


Document last updated  Monday, February 23rd, 2015, at 10:40


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Temele pentru proiectul 1 (cele de mai sus) vor fi prezentate in saptamana a 7-a la curs+laborator

Temele pentru proiectul 2 (cele din Assignment2.htm) vor fi prezentate in saptamana a 8-a la curs. Eventual si la consultatii (luni 16:20 – 17:50)