Using Weka to experiment learning algorithms -------------------------------------------- Weka is a freeware tool written in Java which has a lot of data mining and machine learning algorithms implemented. You can use it to understand the algorithms, and more interesting for understanding the results you obtained by using the algorithms. The online lecture from Ian Witten [W1] can help you understand it. 1a) Install Weka from the binary from the lab's folder, or from the Internet 1b) If you want to install on a Faculty's workstation, you won't be able to install. An alternative solution is to unpack the file, then double click on weka.jar which will open the GUI 1c) If you want to install on Mac or on Linux, use the method from 1b) 2) Look at the example from the video file and try to experiment different tree clasification algorithms: J48 is explained in the video: Data Mining with Weka -1-4- Building a classifier-.mp4 Try HoeffdingTree, RandomForest and others The video is from [W1]. 3) Continue with the examples from minute 5 in the second video, also for J48: Data Mining with Weka -1-5- Using a filter -.mp4 Bibliography: [W1] Ian Witten - Data Mining with Weke, online, last visited, dec 2024,