Using Weka to experiment learning algorithms. Text Classification ----------------------------------------------------------------- Weka is a freeware tool written in Java which has a lot of data mining and machine learning algorithms implemented. You can use it to understand the algorithms, and more interesting for understanding the results you obtained by using the algorithms. The online lecture from Ian Witten [W3] can help you understand it. Lessons 5.1 and 5.4 from chapter 5 are the base for using python in WEKA and respectively invoking WEKA in python. Other lessons from chapter 5 are also usefull for this topic. (slides) (video) Lesson 5.1: Lesson 5.4: Lessons 3.2 from chapter 3 is about setting R with WEKA. The following until the end of the chapter are about using R for varios tasks (in WEKA). (slides) (video) Lesson 3.2: Bibliography: [W3] Ian Witten - Advanced Data Mining with Weka, (online, last visited, dec 2021)