Lecture 11: Learning For this lecture we will use the material from http://www.myreaders.info/html/artificial_intelligence.html chapter 6 Learning Systems (http://www.myreaders.info/06_Learning_Systems.pdf) Sections: 1. What is learning (slides 3-9) 2. Rote learning (10) 3. Learning from example - Induction (11-38) 4. Explanation based learning (39-43) 5. Discovery (44-52) 6. Clustering (53-62) 7. Analogy (63) 8. Neural net and Genetic learning (64-67) 9. Reinforcement learning (68-80) Algorithms described in the various sections: 3: Version space search algorithm (slides 17-18, example 19-23) 3: ID3 Algorithm (25-30, example 31-37) 4: EBL Algorithm (41, example 42-43) 5: AM system (45-46) 5: Bacon system (47) 5: BACON.1 (48, example 48-50) 5: BACON.3 (51, example 52) 6: K-Means Clustering (57, example 58-62) 8: Genetic Algorithms (66-67) 9: Reinforcement Learning Problem (69-70) 9: Markov Decision Process (Markov Chain) (71-73, 76-80, example 74-75)