R genetic programming framework

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Documentation for package ‘rgp’ version 0.4-1

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A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T misc

rgp-package The RGP package

-- A --

AllExpressionNodes Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
andStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
AnyExpressionNode Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
arithmeticFunctionSet Default function- and constant factory sets for Genetic Programming
arity Determine the number of arguments of a function
arity.primitive Determine the number of arguments of a primitive function

-- B --

booleanFunctionAsList Tools for manipulating boolean functions
breed Breeding of GP individuals
buildingBlock Support for GP buidling blocks
buildingBlockq Support for GP buidling blocks
buildingBlockTag Building block tags
buildingBlockTag<- Building block tags

-- C --

c.constantFactorySet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
c.functionSet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
c.inputVariableSet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
calculateSTypeRecursive Inference of sTypes
commonSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
configureSTypeInference Inference of sTypes
constantFactorySet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
contains Functions for Lisp-like list processing
crossover Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
crossoverexpr Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
crossoverexprFast Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
crossoverexprTwoPoint Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
crossoverexprTyped Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
crossoverTyped Random crossover (recombination) of functions and expressions
customDist A 'dist' function that supports custom metrics

-- D --

dataDrivenGeneticProgramming Data-driven untyped standard genetic programming
differingSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
do.call.ignore.unused.arguments A variant of do.call that ignores unused arguments

-- E --

embedDataFrame Embed columns in a data frame
evaluationsPerSecondBenchmark Utility functions for testing and benchmarking the RGP system
expLogFunctionSet Default function- and constant factory sets for Genetic Programming
exprChildrenOrEmptyList Return the Children of an Expression or the Empty List if there are None
exprCount Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
exprDepth Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
expressionGraph Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
exprLabel Return the "label" at the Root Node of an Expression Tree
exprLeaves Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
exprShapesOfDepth Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprShapesOfMaxDepth Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprShapesOfMaxSize Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprShapesOfSize Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprSize Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
exprsOfDepth Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprsOfMaxDepth Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprsOfMaxSize Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprsOfSize Upper bounds for expression tree search space sizes
exprToGraph Visualization of functions and expressions as trees
exprToIgraph Visualization of functions and expressions as trees
exprToPlotmathExpr Convert any expression to an expression that is plottable by plotmath
exprVisitationLength Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
extractAttributes Extract a given attribute of all objects in a list and tag that list with the list of extracted attributes
extractLeafSymbols Functions for handling R symbols / names

-- F --

fastExprVisitationLength Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
fastFuncVisitationLength Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
fastMakePopulation Classes for populations of individuals represented as functions
fifth Functions for Lisp-like list processing
first Functions for Lisp-like list processing
flatten Splitting and grouping of lists
FlattenExpression Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
formatSeconds Format time and data values into human-readable character vectors
fourth Functions for Lisp-like list processing
funcCount Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
funcDepth Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
funcLeaves Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
funcSize Complexity measures for R functions and expressions
functionSet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
functionVariablePresenceMap Variable Presence Maps
funcToIgraph Visualization of functions and expressions as trees
funcToPlotmathExpr Convert a function to an expression plottable by plotmath
funcVisitationLength Complexity measures for R functions and expressions

-- G --

geneticProgramming Standard typed and untyped genetic programming
getPw Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
getSTypeFromFormalsStack Inference of sTypes
gridDesign Create a regular grid design matrix
groupListConsecutive Splitting and grouping of lists
groupListDistributed Splitting and grouping of lists

-- H --

hasBuildingBlockTag Building block tags
hasPw Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
hasStype Inference of sTypes

-- I --

ifPositive Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
ifThenElse Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
inputVariableSet Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming
inputVariablesOfIndividual Functions for analysing GP individuals
insertionSort Sorting algorithms for vectors and lists
integerToLogicals Tools for manipulating boolean functions
intersperse Splitting and grouping of lists
inversePermutation Calculate the inverse of a permutation
is.atom Functions for Lisp-like list processing
is.composite Functions for Lisp-like list processing
is.empty Functions for Lisp-like list processing
is.sType Check if an object is an sType
iterate Repeatedly apply a function

-- J --

joinElites Join elite lists

-- L --

latinHypercubeDesign Create a latin hypercube design (LHD)
ln Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions

-- M --

mae Mean absolute error (MAE)
makeAgeFitnessComplexityParetoGpSearchHeuristic Age Fitness Complexity Pareto GP Search Heuristic for RGP
makeArchiveBasedParetoTournamentSearchHeuristic Archive-based Pareto Tournament Search Heuristic for RGP
makeBooleanFitnessFunction Tools for manipulating boolean functions
makeClosure Create a new R closure given a function body expression and an argument list
makeCommaEvolutionStrategySearchHeuristic Comma Evolution Strategy Search Heuristic for RGP
makeComplexityTournamentSelection GP selection functions
makeEmptyRestartCondition Evolution restart conditions
makeEvaluationsStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
makeFitnessDistributionRestartCondition Evolution restart conditions
makeFitnessStagnationRestartCondition Evolution restart conditions
makeFitnessStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
makeFunctionFitnessFunction Create a fitness function from a reference function of one variable
makeHierarchicalClusterFunction Clustering Populations for Niching
makeLocalRestartStrategy Evolution restart strategies
makeMultiObjectiveTournamentSelection GP selection functions
makeNaryFunctionFitnessFunction Create a fitness function from a n-ary reference function
makePopulation Classes for populations of individuals represented as functions
makeRegressionFitnessFunction Create a fitness function for symbolic regression
makeSeSymbolicFitnessFunction Create a fitness function based on symbolic squared error (SE)
makeStepLimitRestartCondition Evolution restart conditions
makeStepsStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
makeTimeStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
makeTinyGpSearchHeuristic Tiny GP Search Heuristic for RGP
makeTournamentSelection GP selection functions
makeTypedPopulation Classes for populations of individuals represented as functions
MapExpressionLeafs Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
MapExpressionNodes Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
MapExpressionSubtrees Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
mse Mean squared error (MSE)
multiNicheGeneticProgramming Cluster-based multi-niche genetic programming
multiNicheSymbolicRegression Symbolic regression via multi-niche standard genetic programming
mutateChangeDeleteInsert Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateChangeLabel Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateDeleteInsert Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateDeleteSubtree Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateFunc Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateFuncFast Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateFuncTyped Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateInsertSubtree Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateNumericConst Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateNumericConstFast Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateNumericConstTyped Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateSubtree Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateSubtreeFast Random mutation of functions and expressions
mutateSubtreeTyped Random mutation of functions and expressions

-- N --

NCSdist Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
new.alist Create a new function argument list from a list or vector of strings
new.function Create a new function stub
nmse Normalized mean squared error (NMSE)
nondeterministicRanking Create a nondeterministic ranking
normalize Normalize a vector into the interval [0, 1]
normalizedDesign Create a normalized design matrix
normalizedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
normalizedSizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
normInducedFunctionDistance Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
normInducedTreeDistance Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
notStopCondition Evolution stop conditions
numberOfCommonSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
numberOfDifferentBits Tools for manipulating boolean functions
numberOfDifferingSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions

-- O --

orderByParetoCrowdingDistance Rearrange points via Pareto-based rankings
orderByParetoHypervolumeContribution Rearrange points via Pareto-based rankings
orderByParetoMeasure Rearrange points via an arbitrary Pareto-based ranking
orStopCondition Evolution stop conditions

-- P --

paretoFrontKneeIndex Find the knee of a two dimensional pareto front
plotFunction3d Plot a 2D function as a 3D surface
plotFunctions Show an overlayed plot of multiple functions
plotParetoFront Plot a GP Pareto Front
plotPopulationFitnessComplexity Fitness/Complexity plot for populations
popfitness Calculate the fitness value of each individual in a population
populationVariablePresenceMap Variable Presence Maps
positive Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
predict.symbolicRegressionModel Predict method for symbolic regression models
print.population Classes for populations of individuals represented as functions
print.sType Prints a sType and returns it invisible.
pw Functions for defining the search space for Genetic Programming

-- R --

randchild Select random childs or subtrees of an expression
randelt Choose a random element from a list or vector
randexprFull Creates an R expression by random growth
randexprGrow Creates an R expression by random growth
randexprTypedFull Creates an R expression by random growth respecting type constraints
randexprTypedGrow Creates an R expression by random growth respecting type constraints
randfunc Creates an R function with a random expression as its body
randfuncRampedHalfAndHalf Creates an R function with a random expression as its body
randfuncTyped Creates a well-typed R function with a random expression as its body
randfuncTypedRampedHalfAndHalf Creates a well-typed R function with a random expression as its body
randsubtree Select random childs or subtrees of an expression
randterminalTyped Create a random terminal node
rangeTypeOfType Return the range type if t is a function type, otherwise just return t
replaceSubtreeAt Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
rest Functions for Lisp-like list processing
rgpBenchmark Utility functions for testing and benchmarking the RGP system
rmse Root mean squared error (RMSE)
rsquared Coefficient of determination (R^2)
r_mae R version of Mean absolute error (MAE)
r_sse R version of Sum squared error (SSE)
r_ssse R version of Scaled sum squared error (sSSE)

-- S --

safeDivide Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
safeLn Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
safeSqroot Some simple arithmetic and logic functions for use in GP expressions
second Functions for Lisp-like list processing
seSymbolic Symbolic squared error (SE)
seSymbolicFunction Symbolic squared error function (SE)
setSTypeOnFormalsStack Inference of sTypes
sizeWeightedNumberOfCommonSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
sizeWeightedNumberOfDifferingSubexpressions Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
smse Scaled mean squared error (SMSE)
SNCSdist Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
sObject Type constructors for types in the Rsymbolic type system
sortBy Sort a vector or list by the result of applying a function
sortByRange Tabulate a list of functions or input variables by the range part of their sTypes
sortByRanking Sort a vector or list via a given ranking
sortByType Tabulate a list of functions or input variables by their sTypes
splitList Splitting and grouping of lists
sse Sum squared error (SSE)
ssse Scaled sum squared error (sSSE)
st Type constructors for types in the Rsymbolic type system
sType Inference of sTypes
sTypeq Inference of sTypes
subDataFrame Select a continuous subframe of a data frame
subexpressions Functions for decomposing and recombining R expressions
subtreeAt Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
subtrees Common higher-order functions for transforming R expressions
summary.geneticProgrammingResult Summary reports of genetic programming run result objects
summary.population Classes for populations of individuals represented as functions
symbolicRegression Symbolic regression via untyped standard genetic programming

-- T --

tabulateFunction Tabulate an n-ary function
third Functions for Lisp-like list processing
toName Functions for handling R symbols / names
trivialMetric Similarity and Distance Measures for R Functions and Expressions
typedGeneticProgramming Standard typed and untyped genetic programming

-- misc --

%->% Type constructors for types in the Rsymbolic type system
%::% Inference of sTypes