very few people would be unaware of beavis & butt-head ( both created and narrated by mike judge ) . they are the two animated mtv characters who have the most annoying laughter know to human kind . you may have seen them on their television program , as they snigger and make lude remarks about women , anything related to sex , and the music film clips that they watch . in beavis & butt-head do america the pair finally make their big screen debut , to the delight of some , and the deplore of others . beavis & butt-head ( yes , those are their real names ) , are two very ugly teenagers with extremely warped minds driven by raging hormones . they live their lives in front of the television . the worst possible event occurs to the pair when their television is stolen . this happens as they sleep , and when they awake it takes them a few minutes just to decipher that the television has gone . beavis even tries to use the remote , though there is no television there . the two spot a van outside and two sinister looking men carrying a television . even at this point they have no idea what has happened . they look around , seeing all the evidence , but are completely oblivious to the fact that these men have just stolen their television . before the movie i knew that they were stupid , but i didn't realise just how stupid . this is typical of their behaviour throughout the film . eventually they realise that their television has been stolen , so they leave their sofa to go search for a television . luck would have it that they stumble into a hotel room ( looking for a television ) where a man is awaiting two guys whose task it is to kill his wife . this man , thinking that beavis & butt-head are the assigned killers , tells them that they can have $10 , 000 if they " do his wife " . beavis & butt-head , being the ignorant fools that they are , think that he is offering them $10 , 000 dollars to have sex with his good looking wife . they are taken to the airport where they fly to las vegas to " do her " . to them , this is the best day of their lives . not only are they going to lose their virginity ( one of their lifelong aims ) , but most importantly , they will have enough money to buy a big screen tv . inevitably they become caught up in a huge crime , and unbeknown to them , are tracked across the country by the fbi . oddly enough , it is their complete stupidity that spares them from being caught , as a result the fbi is convinced they are criminal masterminds . they end up travelling right across america , visiting places such as the hoover dam and washington dc . the irony is that although they visit so many grand and spectacular locations , their one time out in the big world away from their television , they are completely oblivious to it . at old faithful they are far more fascinated with the infra-red operated urinals than with the geyser itself . beavis & butt-head essentially have the journey of their lives . they even get to meet the president . but all they care about is getting their television back , and losing their virginity . this is one of the many reasons that the film is so funny - it's unbelievable just how stupid they are , and how they can be so oblivious to everything around them . the humour is certainly crude , but then beavis & butt-head are just that ; crude , lude and rude . in the end you can't help but feel sorry for them , a pair of anti-social couch potatoes whose life is television . in this respect , and also with regard to authority ( such as the fbi ) mike judge is quite critical of amercian society . if you are easily offended , or find this pair particularly annoying , steer clear . otherwise , it should keep you laughing the whole way through . one note of warning : don't take friends who like to imitate beavis & butt-head . . . . . you'll never hear the end of it !