this movie was one of the first american films done by director paul verhoeven . he has done films since then such as basic instict and starship troopers . all of his movies have one main thing in common- they don't skimp on the violence . in a verhoeven movie a guy doesn't get shot once in the chest- he gets shot many times all over the body . robocop takes place in detroit in the future . things are pretty bleak . the company ocp rules the city with an iron fist and is moving in on running the police force . peter weller plays a cop who goes on a mission with his partner , nancy allen . peter weller goes in an empty room alone and gets killed . meanwhile ocp has a failed demonstration of a ed-209 model robot crime fighter . someone comes up with the idea of having a cyborg robocop so they use any parts worth scalvaging from peter weller and make him into the robocop the movie is titled after . the plot of this movie generally runs at a decent pace . it drags a bit towards the end with robocop wanting to finish everybody off , but plot twists keep it exciting . the acting is bad from weller when he is human , but very good when he is robocop . nancy allen does a decent job . this movie doesn't leave itself open for a sequel exactly . but they made one anyway . enter . . . robocop 2 starring : peter weller and nancy allen directed by : irvin kershner detroit is in a more bleak state than it was in the first film . ocp is trying to develop an improved 'robocop 2' that will be more than a match for criminals . most of the police force is on strike due to ocp taking it over , leaving robocop to be the police force in the city . this film is pretty bizaare . it has a 13 year-old drug-lord who curses as much as eddie murphy , even more violence than the original , and some more humor . the plot of this movie is pretty large , almost too much so . there are three or four plot lines weaving around that don't really match up . the effects are still decent though . this sequel isn't more of the same really , just a darker version robocop dealing more with drugs than with armed criminals . if you liked the first one , watch this . but be dissapointed . so later comes . . . robocop 3 starring nancy allen and robert john burke ocp is now owned by a large japanese company . robocop joins a band of rebels to counter-attack the evil empire , i mean ocp . the japanese send a cyborg-ninja to deal with robocop . among other things . . . this movie is easier to follow than the last one . which means the plot isn't quite as crowded . this movie isn't anything special though . just more of robocop blasting things up in a more kid-friendly way . really not reccomended .