okay , let me first say , this is a beavis and butthead movie . if you do not like beavis and butthead , do not go to see this movie ! ! ! ! ! however , if you do like them , i recommened you get out right now and go see it . the movie starts off with the boys wondering what happened to their tv . they notice that it has been stolen and they vow to find it . this wind their way through america searching for dallas ( she is a woman ) . they look for her because as they are searching for the tv , they find a drunk who wants them " to do " his wife . well , of course they think he wants them to score with her when actually he wants them to kill her . and the fun starts their . this movie is a mix of funny gags that anly beavis and butthead could pull off . it is quality entertainment that only fan of beavis and butthead would enjoy . i enjoyed this movie alot because mike judge knew how to keep pace . even when they were crawling through the desert and i thought the movie started to lag , he manages to keep the laughs coming . if you expecting changes from the show keep looking . the same character , the same voices , the same everything from the show and that's what makes it good . you might think with a movie from a tv show , you can change a few things . often times this spells disaster for films because the film makers veer away from what made the show popular in the first place !