most movies seem to release a third movie just so it can be called a trilogy . rocky iii seems to kind of fit in that category , but manages to be slightly unique . the rocky formula of " rocky loses fight/rocky trains/rocky wins fight " is carried out to the letter . also the 'tradition' of showing the last five minutes or so from the past rocky film is used as well . this movie begins with a series of clips showing how famous rocky ( sylvester stallone ) has become . . . even showing a brief appearance on sesame street ! ! then it moves on with rocky being in a fixed fight with thunderlips ( hulk hogan ) . a mysterious bad-ass known as clubber lang ( mr . t ) trash-talks to rocky about his stupid decision to retire from boxing and that he " pities the fool " for not coming out and fighting him outright . rocky's trainer ( burgess meredith ) tells rocky not to fight , but the italian stallion doesn't listen . naturally , he gets his ass kicked . somewhere along the line after this several things happen . rocky's longtime trainer dies , causing rocky to train with his former opponent apollo creed . rocky's wife complains to her husband that he should fight . the final fight ensues between clubber and rocky . guess who wins ? the winner's name rhymes with 'smocky' . the movie is entertaning mainly because of clubber lang's over the top performance . the dramatic aspect has been toned down considerably since rocky ii and now action seems to be the strong point of the film . which is good if you like fighting scenes . the last match is quite decent actually . if you liked the previous films , rent this one . it's well worth seeing if you are a fan of the series . but if you can't stand rocky shouting " adrianne ! ! ! " one more time , see something else .