the dream team is a thoroughly entertaining comedy featuring four loveable characters who just happen to be slightly insane . billy , played by michael keaton , is an extremely temperamental mental ward patient whose short fuse and violent tantrums tend to get him in trouble . christopher lloyd portrays henry , an obsessive-compulsive who requires that everything be neat , orderly , on schedule , and by the books . he thinks he's a doctor so he walks around wearing a suit and carrying a clipboard on which he constantly scribbles notes and files reports . jack , played by peter boyle , thinks he's jesus . and finally , there's stephen furst as albert , a chubby catatonic who speaks only in baseball and television phrases . the dream team follows the misadventures that beset the four-some when their psychiatrist , dr . weitzman , takes them out of the hospital for a field trip to yankee stadium . during a pit stop , they get separated from weitzman and are left to fend for themselves in manhattan . the movie's charm derives mostly from the camaraderie and chemistry between its delightful cast . the four leads in the film play off each other quite effectively ; they never miss an opportunity to argue , bicker , or insult one another . henry and jack , for example , fight over who's going to get to ride in the front passenger seat on the way to the game . the actors in the dream team have a lot of fun with their characters and with each other . michael keaton is well cast as billy ; he gives his cynical character considerable complexity . as the divinely jack , peter boyle succeeds in keeping his one-dimensional character funny and fresh . although stephen furst's catatonic character is cliched , the actor makes him sympathetic and endearing . while keaton , boyle , and furst are good , it's christopher lloyd who really makes the movie special . lloyd gives yet another outstanding comic performance . his body language ( for example , the way he walks ) and his facial expressions are perfectly suited to his compulsive character . lloyd's brilliant performance yields a pathetic , moving , and memorable character . the dream team is a solid comedy with more depth and drama than you might expect from its simple premise . the characters are so appealing that you can excuse the film for its often outlandish and unbelievable plot .