in one of my many videos i have attained from the local library , casablanca was my third classic in some weeks . the others being citizen kane and vertigo ( yes , i am trying to see as many of afi's greatest movies ever made as i can ) . but , casablanca stood out from the rest for me : it was actually watchable . what most hail as the greatest american film ever , casablanca isn't so much a love story as a political frenzy with a love triangle thrown in . it seems that star humphry bogart spend about 85 percent of the movie with various leaders of the nation instead of with ingred bergman . that annoyed me , as did the ending . why didn't the plan turn around ? ! ? surprisingly , i enjoyed the film . i liked bogart's character and his acting ( not over the top as most actors in his era ) . i once read about if you had a choice to be in a movie , which one would it be , and a women said casablanca . at first i was thinking to myself " why ? " then , as i watched the film again , i understood why . the movie is very well done and the script top-notch , although i doubt i understood more than half of the political mumbo jumbo . casablanca is , in my mind , no classic ( like solaris ) , but it is a good film and stylishly shot . hey , hollywood , how about this : a remake with harrison ford and anne heche ? now that would be a classic .