in life , eddie murphy and martin lawrence play two young men wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison . after about an hour of watching this movie , you begin to realize how their characters feel . fortunately , for audience members there's a chance to escape the nearest exit . this , undoubtedly , is eddie murphy's worst movie and that's an accomplishment . remember the golden child , harlem nights ? compared to life , they look like citizen kane . life is long , predictable , foul-mouthed and only intermittently funny . its 100-minute running time feels like 100 years . robert ramsey and matthew stone's script basically consist of murphy and lawrence referring to everyone around them as " motherf . . . s " or " n . . . . . s . " you lose count how many times both those obnoxious , offensive words are used . and if that all it takes to write a script , than any illiterate jackass can sit at a word processor and compose a movie . but , like life , it will probably stink . to be honest , the screening audience surrounding me in the theater yucked it up . but these were the same people who howled at all the flatulence and fat jokes as well . life is as sophisticated as a belch . it's crude and stereotypical . years ago , movies stereotypically portrayed blacks subservient , second-class people , good for being only maids and servants . for the most part , the lot of blacks and other racial groups have improved . but a new , more insidious stereotype is creeping into movies . in many recent films , through actors such as murphy and chris tuckers , blacks are presented as fast-talking , conniving , scam artists or hip-hop , gun-crazy , sex-crazed youths . both sets of caricatures are demeaning . and the fault does not rest with the actors . they have to eat , too . it is with the people who write the scripts , the studios who green-light the projects and the audiences who accept these portrayals without protest . life's only redeeming virtue is the artistry of makeup legend rick baker who flawlessly ages murphy and lawrence into 90 year olds . otherwise , life is an embarrassment , a blot on the resumes of those associated with it . see it at your own risk .