the comet-disaster flick is a disaster alright . directed by tony scott ( top gun ) , it tells the story about an asteroid the size of texas caught on a collision course with earth . and you thought that dinky little comet in deep impact was trouble . jeez . after a great opening , in which an american spaceship , plus the city of new york , are completely destroyed by a comet shower , nasa detects the said asteroid and go into a frenzy . they hire the world's best oil driller ( bruce willis ) , and send him and his crew up into space to fix our globel problem . that's like sending a mouse into a cat carrier , isn't it ? the action in armageddon are so over the top , nonstop , and too ludicrous for words , i had to sigh and hit my head with my notebook a couple of times . i was not alone . plus , to see a wonderful actor like billy bob thornton is a film like armageddon is a waste of the actor's talents . the film is just a reel to show off a bunch of snazzy fx shots . the only real reason for making this film was to somehow out-perform deep impact . producer jerry bruckheimer fails with armageddon .