what are we going to do with jim carrey ? viewers of television's " in living color " know this one-man cartoon from such characters as fire marshall bill . viewers also know that " in living color " is a skit-show and that a little of jim carrey goes a long way . unfortunately , this fact was forgotten by the makers of the carrey comedy ace ventura : pet detective . three writers , including carrey , worked on the slapstick story , which sends a self-styled " pet detective " on the trail of a stolen dolphin . the missing mammal belongs to the miami dolphins , who need their mascot for the upcoming superbowl . for plot porpoises , this story works as well as any three stooges short . carrey gets to do his " official " schtick as he snoops around greater miami . he leers and sneers , craning his neck to funny effect . he even does his captain kirk impersonation . again . all of this is pretty harmless stuff up until the point that you realize that the writers have absolutely no intention of focusing on anyone * other * than carrey . ( suggested alternate title--jim carrey : will do anything for a laugh . ) export it to france and you may have a hit . as it stands , ace ventura isn't even good kid's stuff . the profanity count , alone , is too high . which is ironic , since children are , probably , carrey's best audience . the film doesn't even have the goofball charm of chris elliott's recent no-brainer cabin boy . sure , carrey has his moments . but what can you say about a film whose high-points include watching carrey slink around to the theme from " mission impossible ? " ace ventura has one glaring incongruity . amid the butt-jokes and double-takes , the script takes great pains to set-up an elaborate and rather funny " crying game " gag . and , for * this * intended audience , that takes ( ahem ) cojones .