here's a concept -- jean-claude van damme gets killed within the first ten minutes of the movie . now if that isn't enough to get you to finally see a van damme movie , i don't know what is . all sarcasm aside , it is certainly a different way to start a movie , of course a few minutes later we find out that the newly deceased had a twin brother -- so lucky us , we get to see more of jean-claude . van damme #1 works for the russian mafia in the united states and is killed by some of their operatives . van damme #2 is a police officer in france who finds out that he had a twin brother he never knew about after #1 gets killed in france . the remaining twin ( the french cop ) goes to the united states to find out who killed his brother and avenge his death . once there , he hooks up with his deceased brother's girlfriend , played by natasha henstridge , and the two of them set out to discover who the murderers are . jean-claude's acting abilities don't seem to be up to the usual lackluster standards in this movie . in other words , just in case you missed the sarcasm , his acting is worse than normal . on the upside , natasha henstridge is in this film , and she does what she did best in species -- she gets naked . sadly , this is probably the high point in the movie . she is actually a decent actress , but didn't improve as much as i thought she would after species . this is the typical van damme movie , with jean-claude doing a variety of high end martial arts moves on his opponents . nothing new here , and certainly nothing we haven't seen in every other van damme movie . simply put , there is absolutely nothing new about this movie . it has a retread plot -- this isn't the first time jean-claude has played twins . he still can't act . we all saw natasha's breasts in species ( although this is one repeat performance i'm not complaining about ) . this is pretty much like every movie that van damme has ever been involved in -- sub par .