gord brody ( tom green ) is an aspiring animator approaching thirty who still lives in parents jim ( rip torn ) and julie's ( julie hagerty , " airplane " ) basement . as dad declares all out war , gord secures a job in a cheese sandwich factory in far off la and sets off to make his dreams come true . gord doesn't make much of a go on his first attempt and lands back home with fawning mom and outraged dad in " freddy got fingered . " tom green cowrites ( with " tom green show " scribe derek harvie ) , directs and stars in what is essentially tom green's primal scream . so , if tom green screams in an empty theater , does he make a sound ? it's clear that " freddy got fingered " is at least partially autobiographical and green sure has one hell of a complex about his dad ( mom gets off easier when sonny boy advises her to go out and have sex with basketball players and greeks ) . while this may be of interest to his hard core fans , there's little about green's mania on display here to recommend this movie to anyone else . the film starts promisingly enough , with a well executed skateboarding scene through a shopping mall set to the sex pistols' 'problem' ( green's put together a first rate soundtrack ) and yes , i laughed a few times . green's flummoxing of a security guard with psychotic ramblings and his attempt to draw , make music and eat at the same time ( the 'daddy would you like some sausages' scene repeatedly shown in the film's trailer ) are inspired comedy . but what's funny about a paraplegic girlfriend who gets turned on by having her legs caned or a skateboarding injury that results in an exposed kneecap ? a baby delivery bit shows some groan-inducing promise until enough blood is splattered to coagulate the laughs . younger ( by three years ) brother freddy's internment at the institute for sexually abused children does nothing but confirm one's worst fears regarding the film's title and green's infamous 'handling' of a real horse , while not nearly as shocking as it would seem , doesn't make sense . by the time he repeats the gag with an elephant at film's end , the overall effect is numbness . while " freddy got fingered " has the admirable end result of depicting the harm in demeaning a child's self esteem , it's essentially a whole lot of tom green running around being noisy . rip torn , what were you thinking ?