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  1. Lecture 1 - in Romanian and English : Fundamental notions
  2. Lecture 2 - in Romanian and English: Geometry of 3D object visualization
  3. Lecture 3 - in Romanian and English: Projections
  4. Lecture 4 - in Romanian and English: Drawing graphical objects
  5. Lecture 5 - in Romanian and English: Spatial curves and surfaces
  6. Lecture 6 - in Romanian and English: Clipping
  7. Lecture 7 - in Romanian and English: 3D object representations
  8. Lecture 8 - in Romanian and English: Visibility algorithms (I)
  9. Lecture 9 - in Romanian and English: Visibility algorithms (II)
  10. Lecture 10 - in Romanian and English: Ilumination and shadow (I)
  11. Lecture 11 - in Romanian and English: Ilumination and shadow (II)
  12. Lecture 12 - in Romanian and English: Filling and antialising
  13. Lecture 13 - in Romanian and English: Textures
  14. Lecture 14 - in Romanian and English: Colors and animation

Lecture dates and hours in Spring Semester of 2014/2015 (only in Romanian):


  1. ***, Computer Graphics (in English), 2009
  2. D. Pop, D. Petcu, Modelling the three dimenional world - first chapter: Computer Graphics Principles (in Romanian), Ed. Eubeea, 2004
  3. D. Petcu, L. Cucu, Computer Graphics (in Romanian), Printing House of the West University of Timisoara, 1999
  4. D. Petcu, L. Cucu, Computer Graphics Principles (in Romanian), Ed. Excelsior, 1995

Other sources:

  1. Short Lecture in Computer Graphics: Slides for post-graduates
  2. Old slides for undergraduates in English
  3. A short description of the lecture contents can be found here.
  4. Old lecture slides can be found here

Last modification: March 2014