Welcome to this my web presence!

I am an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Deptartment, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, West University Timișoara.
I am also a researcher at the e-Austria
Institute, Timișoara.
I can be contacted at adrian.craciun@e-uvt.ro.
Regular mail:
West University,
Room 047
Blvd. V. Parvan 4
Timisoara, Romania.
Recent Updates
[10/2019] Once more 'round the sun, updates in Teaching.
[09/2018] New Year, updates in Teaching.
[10/2017] New Year, updates in Teaching.
[10/2016] New Year, updates in Teaching.
[10/2015] New Year, updates in Teaching.
[10/2014] New Year, updates in Teaching.
[21/10/2013] Winter semester 2013, new year, updates in Teaching.
[28/02/2013] Summer semester 2013, lectures updated in Teaching.
[10/2012] Still here after all these years.