Dr. Petru Radu

Associate Lecturer in Computer Vision

Computer Vision





Below is the list of the lectures that are thought at 2nd year MSc:


Lecture No.
Topic What is covered
1 Introduction to computer vision history, applications, digital image acquisition, linear algebra for computer vision
2 Image processing in the spatial domain kernels, convolution, image derivatives, histograms, histogram equalization
3 Image processing in the frequency domain Fourier transform, frequency spectrum, convolution theorem, fast fourier transform, filtering in the frequency domain: low pass, high pass, band pass
4 Image segmentation Edges, active contours, Hough transform
5 Morphological image processing Otsu's therhold, dilation, erosion, opening, morphological gradient, morphological filters
6  Colour spaces and image features

Colour models, converting between colour spaces, colour slicing, colour complements, colour segmentation.

Image features: shape, geometrical, statistical, moment-based, geometrical

7  Image texture classification

Gray level co-occurence matrix, autocorrelation, texture filters.

Introduction to classification algorithms for computer vision: probabilistic modelling: Bayes classifier, K-nearest neighbor, logistic regression

8 Support Vector Machines and Histogram of Gradients

Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classification using various kernels

Steps of Histograms of Gradients (HoG) feature extraction

9 Object detection and AdaBoost

Boosting, AdaBoost algorithm

Viola and Jones face detection algorithm

10 Convolutional Neural Networks

Computational graph, backpropagation.

Deep neural networks: convolutional layers, activation maps, activation functions, subsampling

11  Transfer Learning and Video Tracking

Well known CNN topologies

Transfer learning

Video tracking: mean shift algorithm

12 Optical Flow Optical flow equation, frame derivatives, Lukas & Kanade method
13 Stereo Vision Disparity, Intrinsic matrix, Reconstruction Error, Rectification
14  Popular deep learning architectures for Computer Vision Super-resolution, V-Net

For any questions, please contact me at petru.radu@e-uvt.ro